The C-Share Model
Health care as a step toward true Community. Community in support of personal health.
The Share Concept is a creative initiative to raise $1.5 million toward the Rudolf Steiner Health Center. Consistent with the founding principles of CSAM, it is a tangible manifestation of the inter-connection between health care and community.
Building A Sharing COmmunity
The basic outline is to make available 1000 C-shares so as to allow for a broad base of up to 1000 founders, each offering a modest, minimum contribution of $1500.
- Multiple share purchasing is encouraged for those with financial means.
- Instead of relying on fewer, exceptionally wealthy donors, C-shares will allow a large number of people in a moderate-income bracket to participate.
- The contribution (minimum $1500.00) may be paid over a 2-year period.
- Contributions may be made by cash, check, credit card, or in the form of securities.
Each founder will choose either to:
- Offer the entire contribution as a tax deductible sum, OR
- Receive 1% off of a two-week stay at the Rudolf Steiner Health Center annually, for life.
If the daily cost of receiving care in the Center is estimated at $400, a 1% discount for two weeks would be $40. This may seem like a small amount, but consider the result if a group of founders gathers together to offer their percentages to a co-worker, family member or other person needing financial support at a time of health need. If a company, co-op or corporation were to buy 100 shares, they could send someone with full support each year. Or any other lesser amount of shares would enable someone to receive partial support, perhaps making the opportunity more possible for them. Some founders may choose to give their discount back to CSAM to be put into our patient support fund.
As a reminder to potential founders:
A commemoration plaque with founders names will be permanently displayed in the entrance of the Rudolf Steiner Health Center. Each founder will also be presented with a framed Founders Certificate.
It will be clear to all patients who enter the hospital that one thousand other people who know the benefits and effectiveness of Anthroposophic treatment have each patient’s well-being at heart.
For the rest of their lives, founders will know they played a key part in laying the foundation for an initiative that will touch and change the lives of many people. Their contribution:
- Gives the internal reward of knowing that one has contributed to the community as part of the giving-receiving cycle of life.
- increases others exposure to Anthroposophy.
- Offers a viable option for truly holistic medical care as well as a model for health and healing
- Supports the well-being of each patient and all those who care for him or her.
The heart of all thriving communities from the beginning of time has been the sharing of resources for the common good. There have always been some members with certain unique skills and advantages, so that through their individual effort they offer benefits to the whole that are otherwise not possible. Some had their physical strength, others their wisdom or talents, others their ability to communicate. But each gift had value to the whole. This is still true today. Each founder will know that his or her contribution directly supports other members of the community in their well-being. After attaining a higher level of health, those members will now be able to offer their gifts back to the community. Sometimes we need to receive generosity and community support in order to truly know it and then offer it to another.
The Fine Print:
The founding C-share holders may choose either a tax deduction on their donation or a dividend in discounted services, not both. The purchaser will choose at the time of purchase. CSAM makes no representations about possible tax liability the C-share holder or the recipient of transferable dividends may incur. CSAM is not liable for issuance of services in conditions where such services cannot be rendered for whatever reason. On dissolution of the entity CSAM has no liability to restore to the purchaser the value of the C-Share.
Please call us about establishing a C-Share: 734-222-1491

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