About Steiner Health
Steiner Health is a 501(c)[3] nonprofit founded in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1997. The organization was founded on the principles of anthroposophic medicine, empowering patients, creating a space for therapies and education, and providing financially accessible alternative and complementary medicine.
Steiner Health provides holistic medical care with attention to how our practices impact our patient’s longterm physical and spiritual health, as well as how our actions impact the physical and social environment.
Steiner Health (or Community Supported Anthroposophical Medicine) was founded in 1997 as a 501(c)[3] not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing patient care, education and research in health care through Anthroposophically-Integrated Internal Medicine. We are located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Our work is made possible through donations from individuals and small foundations, as well as fees for patient services.
CSAM is governed by a Board of Directors and oversees a medical practice, including physicians and anthroposophically trained therapists, and runs education and outreach programs, research projects, and the Rudolf Steiner Health Center.
Our Three Functions
Health Center
The Health Center is modeled after the anthroposophic hospitals in Germany, where our doctors were trained. It is the only inpatient anthroposophic medical center in the United States.
Outpatient Office
The doctor’s office is a community supported, not-for-profit practice. The doctors practice a form of integrative medicine called anthroposophic medicine.
Founding Physicians
Molly McMullen-Laird, M.D.
Dr. McMullen-Laird specializes in Internal Medicine. She received her medical degree from Tulane School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana. Dr. McMullen-Laird completed her internship and residency at Reading Hospital in Pennsylvania. She served on active duty as a flight surgeon for the U.S. Air Force in Bitburg, Germany before spending a year working at the Ita Wegman Klinik in Arlesheim, Switzerland.
Quentin McMullen, M.D.
Dr. McMullen’s specialty is Internal Medicine. He received his medical degree from Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana. Dr. McMullen completed his internship and residency at Reading Hospital and Medical Center in Pennsylvania. He served in the U.S. Air Force and was stationed in Birburg, Germany for four years. Following his military service, he trained at the Filderklinik in Germany and at the Lukas Klinik in Switzerland.
Health Center Staff
Linda Teaman, Singing
Robert Rickman, Massage Therapy
Office Staff
Charles Nalbandian, Bookkeeper
Mara Gibson, Development
2023 Community Advisory Board
Barbara Richardson, Sue Bradley, Victor Leabu, Cathy Sims-O’Neil, Claudette Stern, Dan Szekely, Dwight Ebaugh, Geoff Robb, Judie Erb, Melinda Toney, Pam Gilespi, Rita Hench, Bob Rickman, Tom Voiles, Bill Manning, Craig Albert, Christiana Hench, Alandra Meade, Rodger Wolff, Annie Elder, Paul Bantle, Burley Channer, Debbie Burr, Linda Teaman, Sara Warber, Brittany Honos, Brian Vroom
Our Facility
Rudolf Steiner Health Center
We are currently using the building for health sessions. Following the first few years of our ramp up phase we anticipate being operational year round. Some of our staff is local and others come from a distance to assist us in the training and building up of a permanent staff. We purchased the Anna Botford Bach home in June of 2003 and have made many changes already, but anticipate more changes over the next years.
Read about the history of Ann Arbor

Dr. McKenzie, an obstetrician, built the Anna Botsford Bach Home in 1916. The building was then purchased by Anna Botsford Bach in 1927 and used as a home for elderly women until 2002, i.e., 75 years of service! There are examples of the historic past in various parts of the house. In the library is a photo of Anna, for instance.
Environmentally Friendly
We have a small shop in the library with body care, postcards and some books. Please ask in the office for assistance. The library also contains a small collection of donated books that may be borrowed during your stay.
Founding C-Share Members
Anonymous (22)
Weleda, North America (6)
Udom Manomai-Udom (4)
Yumiko & David Harris (3)
Dr. Luke Y. Kim (3)
Anthroposophical Therapy & Hygiene Association ANTHA (2)
Curtis E. Bottum, Jr. (2)
Burley & Mary Lynn Channer (2)
Ray Kahlbach, Jr. (2)
Mark Abrams
A Friend of Camphill Village
Joan & Clopper Almon
Judy & John Alexander
Erika V. Asten, PhD
C & H Leasing, Inc (Steve & Carole Coulter)
Catherine & Cortlandt Cammann
In Memory of Pamela Campau
Charlie & Lee Ann Candon
Barbara L. Carter
Kathleen Alice Davis
From your friends at Dr. Hauschka Skin Care
Sydney Duncan
In Memory of Walter O. Duncan IV
The J. Venner Family
WS Badger & Co, Inc
Moira Walsh
In Memory of Nell and Austin Embrey
In Memory of Ed & Minona Emery
Werner A. Fabian, MD
Jo & Robbie Forkish
In Memory of Mary Lou Fritts-Williams
The Gibson Family
Karl & Helen Gierman
Yates C. Hafner
Annemarie Heintz
Dr. Peter Hinderberger
In Memory of Hedy Hohnberg
Betsy Holloran
Gertrude Reif Hughes
Baerbel Irion, MD
Susan R. Johnson, MD
Hartmut Junge
Jane Kieran
Joy Redfield Kwapien
In Memory of Maddy Laird
Charles & Joey Deni Lambert
Alicia Landman-Reiner, MD
Donald Levitt
Julia Aviva Levitt
Christian Wessling, MD
Joanne E. Wheaton
In Memory of Ella Wiitala
Bill Manning
The Leshock Family
Kate Leshock
Dwight Owens Macklin
Christopher Mann
Martha McDowell, James Sandall & Sarah Sandall
Aida & Nigel McGugan
In Memory of Helena McMullen
In Memory of Ann Mikolowski
Professor Douglas Miller
In Memory of Joy Saunders Miller
Marguerite Miller
Andree Naylor
Alex Rampalli
Meera Rampalli
Alexandra Riabova, MD
Rudolf Steiner School of Ann Arbor Faculty
Sacramento Faust Branch
Tim & Veronica Schalek
Barry & Lin Schaye
William Stewart
Katherine L. Thivierge, Esq.
Dr. Melinda Toney
Uriel Pharmacy
Basil B. Williams, DO
Ursula & Martin Wolf
Twenty Years of Alternative Medicine
Since it’s founding in 1997, Steiner Health has been introducing new ways of looking at healthcare. Should healthcare practitioners and stakeholders focus on the patient rather than profit? Should safe alternative methods be considered before aggressive conventional drugs? Should health and community building go together? The Steiner Health practice and community are a result of answering these questions with a resounding ‘yes.’
September 1997
January 1988
May 1998
June 1998
July 1999
September 1999
June 2003 Steiner Health purchased Anna Botsford Bach Home for use as an inpatient health center.
October 2007
Art of Fasting Weekend program starts.
June 2012
May 2014
Get in Touch
If you have further questions, comments, press inquiries, collaboration requests, or if you are interested in working with us, please feel free to reach out via the form below or email info@steinerhealth.org. We look forward to hearing from you!