Fasting Weekend Online
A simple fast can reset the mind, body, and immune system and leave you feeling more energetic and better prepared to fend off illness.
Next Session: March 28th-30th
The program is priced on a sliding scale from $75 to $150.
Program Schedule
7:30-8:30 Orientation + Introductions
9:00 Prepare and Take Morning Liquids
10:00 Movement and Stretching
10:45 Black and White Sketching
11:45 Fasting Log and Journaling
12:30 Prepare and Take Midday Broth
1:30 Midday Check-In
2:00 Nature Photo Walk
3:00 Sharing Photos
4:30 Nutrition Talk
6:00 Prepare and Drink Evening Juice
7:00 Storytelling
9:00 Prepare and Drink Morning Juice
10:00 Movement and Stretching
10:45 Black and White Sketching
11:45 Fasting Log and Journaling
12:30 Prepare and Take Midday Broth
1:30 Midday Check-In
2:00 Nature Photo Walk
3:00 Sharing Photos
5:00 Q&A: How to come off the fast
Sliding Scale from $75-$150
We provide a sliding scale in order to enable those who cannot afford the cost of the weekend ($120) to be able to attend! Those who can, choose to pay more to support those who need assistance.
TREATMENT NOTICE: This is a purely educational program and does not involve any doctors visits. It does not establish a doctor patient relationship with any of the doctors at Steiner Health.
REFUND POLICY: Cancellations 1 month or more from the start date are refundable minus a $20 admin fee. Cancellations at least 2 weeks from the start date receive a 50% refund, and cancellations within 2 weeks of the start date will receive a 50% credit which can be applied to the next event.
Why do a fast?
Benefits of Fasting
Probably the most important reason is that the body uses quite a bit of energy to digest food, and when fasting this energy becomes available for other uses. In the fasting state, the body will scour for dead cells, damaged tissues, fatty deposits, tumors, abscesses, all of which are burned for fuel or expelled as waste. The elimination of these obstructions restores the immune system functionality and metabolic process to an optimum state.
Fasting restores good digestion and elimination, and peristaltic action is quickened. Fasting allows a deep, physiological rest of the digestive organs, and the energy saved goes into self-healing and self- repairing.
By eliminating obstructions, by cleansing, detoxification, and purifying the intestines, the blood, and the cells, we can overcome many of our physical ills or handicaps as well as getting a boost in energy. Fasting not only removes obstructions and helps the body to heal itself, it is also rejuvenating and life-extending. These resulting benefits can have lasting effects in your mental and emotional health.
The other very important aspect is that your self-awareness will be elevated. If you are sick and depressed, then this might be the most important thing you can try in your healing program, because it immediately gives you an energy boost and an increased awareness which might allow that you see things more clearly, allowing you the first step out of your sickness and onto the path of recovery.
While fasting you become more aware of your body process, your life, and everything you are doing. It becomes a period where you can evaluate all that you’re doing more objectively, and you naturally have more time for contemplation because you aren’t using time amassing, preparing, eating, eliminating and cleaning up all which is used to prepare food. You become more aware of what your body likes and doesn’t like when you start to eat again. You gain self- confidence in your ability to control your life process, to set a goal and carry out an intention.
The University of Southern California just published a research study that showed how intensively therapeutic fasting is for the immune system. Read it here: Fasting Study
Supervised Fasting
Our Program
Designed by Dr. Molly McMullen-Laird M.D. our fasting sessions build on the benefits of fasting to create an environment of learning that helps you foster your ability to find nourishment through other means.