Green Health

At the Rudolf Steiner Health Center, we have a passion for restoring health, in all shapes and forms. We work very hard to maintain high environmental standards and sustainable practices to keep all life forms healthy and thriving. Here are some of the actions we take to do so:

Levelorsyogurt makingIMG_1063

Lunch crewlaundryBees and Richardvegetables

Rain water collecting


Keeping bees

Growing our own herbs and some vegetables without any harmful substances, using collected rain water

Shopping for local produce at farms and farmers markets

Making 95% of our meal components from scratch, including yogurt, kvass, hummus and many other items in our kitchen, which saves packaging and transport

Making our own cleaning agents

Using environmentally safe and biodegradable detergents and cleaning agents

Labeling patient linens to reduce laundry

Hanging laundry to dry

Turning off refrigerators between uses

Reducing air conditioning through timed and guided airflow

Staff members often bike, walk, or take the bus to work

Medicines are made sustainably

Not purchasing plastic or items packaged in plastic

Recycling paper, glass, cardboard, metal products

Reusing materials

Purchasing recycled products

Using CFL lightbulbs


Future plans:

Changing parking lot to permeable material

Installing solar panels