Molly McMullen-Laird, M.D.

Quentin McMullen, M.D.

Current Patients

Download P.O. Renewal Form (2024)

Directions to Office

Medicine Request Form


Mon 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Tue 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Wed 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Thu 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Fri 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM


Phone: 734-222-1491

Fax: 734-222-1492


Retreat Patients

This page will help you with your most common questions. On the right are some helpful links and blow is more information.  You’ll find FAQ further down the page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the office payment policy?

Payment is required at the time services are rendered unless other arrangements have been made in advance. This includes applicable coinsurance and copayments for participating insurance companies. CSAM accepts cash, personal checks, VISA, Discover, and MasterCard. There is a service charge of $30 for returned checks.

All invoices unpaid after 30 days will incur a $5 per month service charge.

Patients with an outstanding balance [exclusive of pending insurance claims, but including your co-pay and deductible] 60 days or more overdue must make agreed-upon, written arrangements for payment prior to scheduling more appointments.  After 90 days we reserve the right to use a collection agency with any additional charges being your responsibility.

What insurance/managed care do you take?

We collect in full for Medicare for covered services, and submit an invoice to Medicare.  Medicare will send you a check for your covered portion of the cost.  There is often a co-payment and or deductible up to the full amount of the cost of your visit, for which you are responsible.

We do not bill any insurance companies except Medicare.  If you have outpatient visit insurance coverage you may ask for a coded receipt which you can send to your insurance company for reimbursement.  Your time of service receipt includes all information necessary for submitting claims to your insurance company.

If you need assistance or have questions, please leave a message for our billing staff with your exact question and we will call you back to sort it out.

We do not participate in any managed care programs such as HMO’s or EMO’s, and therefore require full payment at the time of service.

How does P.O. payment work?

If you are a member of the patient organization, your contract must be paid up at the time of service or you are responsible for the full charge for the visit.

Buying items from the store

These items must be paid in full at the time of dispensing.  If we ship items to you we will require pre-payment with a credit card.

Missed/Cancelled appointments

Broken appointments represent a cost to us, to you and to other patients who could have been seen in the time set aside for you. Cancellations are requested 24 hours [at least one business day] prior to the appointment. New Patient appointment cancellations require 2 business days prior to the appointment.  We reserve the right to charge for missed or late-canceled appointments. Excessive abuse of scheduled appointments may result in discharge from the practice.

Thank you for your understanding.

What it your range of services?

We provide evaluation and treatment of acute and chronic medical problems using anthroposophical and conventional approaches as appropriate and in accord with the patient’s wishes. The initial consultation allows the physicians to discuss options with the patient and create a treatment plan, utilizing anthroposophical remedies as appropriate for the condition. The treatment regimen may include external applications, oral medications including natural and homeopathic remedies, intravenous therapy (such as iv vitamin C), hydrotherapy, physical therapy, movement therapy, nutritional counseling and conventional medications. Our physicians can take care of most medical problems, such as acute and chronic neurologic, cholesterol and chronic heart conditions, digestive disorders, help with cancer treatment, childhood development and school problems, gynecological exams and problems, management of menopausal symptoms with homeopathic treatments, skin disorders and biopsies, joint and sports injuries, allergies, ear infections, and chronic sinusitis without antibiotics, toxin exposure, Lyme disease, and fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome