Fever Therapy

“Give me a chance to create fever and I will cure any disease,” said the great physician, Parmenides, 2,000 years ago. Fever is one of the body’s own defensive and healing forces, created and sustained for the deliberate purpose of restoring health....

What do you do if your child has a fever?

Western allopathic medicine has convinced many that a fever is symptom of illness when in fact it is a symptom of healing. Confused parents now quickly reach for tylenol, motrin and other over the counter “fever reducers”. Reducing the fever has done...

The Hazards of Cosmetics

By Carol BarczacAEHA Quarterly Summer 1995 People who use of work with cosmetics may be flirting with danger.  At the University of California, researchers studied 58,000 hairdressers, cosmetologists and manicurists and found they had four times the usual rate of...

Budwig Protocol and Vitamin C

Dr. Budwig was convinced that we should be getting our vitamins in a natural form the food we eat. For example did you know that just one serving of turnips has 50% of the daily requirement for Vitamin C, plus a whole lot of other great stuff. The problem with...

Throwing the self-healing switch

By Anne Rueter, Originally published in the Ann Arbor News The stately wood doors at 1422 W. Liberty St. recently opened to 13 patients seeking relief – and a new outlook on their ills – at an unusual new holistic medicine venture, the Rudolf Steiner...